Directed by Maxime Laurin
A naive nerd ventures into a Skatepark where trouble awaits…
Writer(s): Caitlin McNerney
Producer(s): Maxime Laurin & Caitlin McNerney
Duration: 2 Minutes 58 Seconds
Genres: Comedy, Action, Horror
Country: Quebec
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Maxime Laurin Maxime Laurin was born in 1995 in the South Shore of Montreal. He developed a passion for becoming a stuntman after engaging in extreme sports, particularly slope-style snowboarding, during his teenage years. His journey in the movie industry began at the age of 19, and he has since amassed over 40 credits, primarily in stunts. Some notable film credits include Transformers, Polar, Violent Night, and the television series Reacher, Fubar, Titans, among others. He also worked as performer and artist coach for Cirque Du Soleil in Montreal and Las Vegas on the production of R.U.N. Maxime has gained recognition in the stunt industry for his expertise in filming and editing pre-visual action scenes provided to directors before production. Additionally, during the pandemic in 2020, he ventured into directing short films. Despite working with limited budgets, he has successfully produced seven short films across various genres, including horror, sci-fi, comedy, and drama. His films have garnered acclaim in the film festival circuit, with achievements such as being selected with two short films at Fantasia, a quarter finalist at the VIFF, category winner at the MIFF, and an annual finalist and category winner at IndieX Film Festival. While Maxime thoroughly enjoys crafting action sequences, his focus in the past four years has shifted towards the art of storytelling through visual mediums. In 2023, he established his own production company Neon Seed Films. Within the company, he undertakes multiple roles, including directing, producing, operating the camera, serving as a director of photography (DOP), and editing. Maxime is a recent graduate of the Core Directing Program at the Sundance Collab. |