Directed by Paige Dillon
The weird girl in class invites the hottest guy in school to her fruity dinner party.
Writer(s): Paige Dillon
Producer(s): Brandon Burnett
Duration: 7 Minutes 12 Seconds
Genres: Trashy Fun, Campy, Gross
Country: USA
Language: English
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Paige Dillon Paige is a film and theater-maker currently based in her hometown of Monroe, New York. She is passionate about creating art that depicts strong femmes, and is particularly interested in juxtaposing the beautiful and the grotesque, both visually and thematically. The last five years she has produced and performed in an annual celebration of new plays in Newburgh and Sugar Loaf, New York. She is currently developing a multimedia stage play. Stay tuned at: |